Fosse Way – Gatcombe Mill – Fosse Way – Lugbury Longbarrow – Goulter’s Mill – Fosse Way

Distance: 2.36 km
Duration: 40-50 mins at average walking pace
Elevation: ↑123m max.; ↓90m min.
This walk can be split in half at the Fosse Way, with each walk taking around 25 minutes.
Start at the entrance to the Gatcombe Mill estate. If the five bar gate is closed, a stone stile on its left will get you onto the driveway.

In Spring, the wild garlic grows in profusion through the wooded valley on the left. A collection of pome fruit trees line the right of the path.

Early morning, you may spot local wildlife, such as roe deer or water fowl.

Where the drive turns right into the residence (see photo below), take the footpath which continues straight on, passing through the gate. At the signpost, turn right across the footbridge, following the external boundary of the garden.

Cross the wooden stile, then climb through the meadow to the five bar gate and stile onto the Fosse Way.
Deviation: At this point you can turn right and follow the Fosse Way to your starting point. Or you could start here, and follow the main route, returning back to this point when you get back onto the Fosse Way at the bottom of the hill.
Across the Fosse Way is another five bar gate and pedestrian gate. Go through here, following the line of the field until you reach the longbarrow. This is best seen in Spring, as the long barrow can get overgrown with nettles later in the year. Bearing right, skirt around the longbarrow, then keep to the perimeter of this field and the next.

Pass through the five bar gate (livestock may be in the field, so please put dogs on a short lead and ensure the gate is closed firmly behind you). The path declines and bears to the left to another five bar gate. Once past the barn, take the concrete bridge over the brook towards Goulter’s Mill. After the attractive umber building, take a right through the gate and follow this path, crossing a wooden stile. When you reach the meadow, if the path is overgrown (in August it will be chest-deep in thistles, grasses and nettles) aim for about one o’clock. A stile will get you back to the starting point on the Fosse Way.
Judith · 12/07/2022 at 11:00 pm
Can I correct you on ‘Catcombe’ Mill? It is actually Gatcombe. I have been researching both mills and it is sited near Gatcombe Hill.
Amanda Read · 12/10/2022 at 7:07 am
Thank you for the correction, Judith. The post is now updated.
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