BCA General Committee Meeting 13th November 2017
Minutes from the meeting of the Burton Community Association General Committee held on 13th November 2017 are presented below. Archived minutes can be found in the column on the right.
Minutes from the meeting of the Burton Community Association General Committee held on 13th November 2017 are presented below. Archived minutes can be found in the column on the right.
Minutes from the meeting of the Burton Community Association Trustees held on 2nd October 2017 are presented below. Archived minutes can be found in the column on the right.
The thirty-first draw of the 100 Lottery Club was made on Friday 29th December 2017. The draw was made by Liam Speed from Chelmsford, Essex who is visiting friends in the village. 1st prize (£60) was won by Lesley Broadhurst 2nd prize (£30) was won by Peter Broadhurst 3rd prize Read more…
Beloved by Toni Morrison Terrible, unspeakable things happened to Sethe at Sweet Home, the farm where she lived as a slave for so many years until she escaped to Ohio. Her new life is full of hope but eighteen years later she is still not free. Sethe’s Read more…
Dear Resident(s) You are all invited to bring your children/grand children to the village children’s christmas party on Sunday 17th December 2017 at the church. The children will be able to enjoy games, singing, competitions with prizes, food/drink and meet Santa Can you let Judith Bird or myself know if Read more…
Invitations have now been sent to each resident of the village regarding the Christmas Party, which this year is being hosted by our local pub. the menu is attached below. Enquiries to either Missy Sell or Rachel Scott
The thirtieth draw (pre-christmas bonus prizes) of the 100 Lottery Club was made on Friday 24th November 2017. The draw was made by Mike from Nettleton Engineering. 1st prize (£120) was won by Missy Sell 2nd prize (£60) was won by Donna Packer 3rd prize (£40) was won by Claire Read more…
Minutes from the meeting of the Burton Community Association General Committee held on 11th September 2017 are presented below. Archived minutes can be found in the column on the right.
Dear Resident(s) If you fancy a quieter bonfire night, then pop along to the Old House at Home pub which is hosting an alternative event on the terrace. Details are shown below, a 5 o’clock start on Sunday to hopefully encourage a more family affair. The BCA is delighted to Read more…
Dear Resident(s) On behalf of the BCA I would like to thank all those residents and the OHH pub staff who contributed towards a very enjoyable evening for the village children, they had great fun. I counted between 30 – 35 houses providing treats and welcoming the kids along the Read more…