100 Club Lottery Draw

The sixth draw of the 100 Lottery Club (pre-christmas) was made on Friday, 27th November 2015. The draw was made by Mr Dan Lindbergh from Stockholm, Sweden, who was staying overnight at the OH@H and visiting the area. 1st prize (£178.75p) was won by Eileen Billington 2nd prize (£107.25p) was Read more…

Email to Nettleton Parish Council Re.Neighbourhood Planning Consultation – Follow up to NPC Meeting 8 Oct 2015

10 October 2015   Dear NPC Chair and Councillors, cc. Cllr Baroness Scott of Bybrook OBE; Neighbourhood Planning Working Group; Paula Coyle Re.Neighbourhood Planning Consultation – Follow up to NPC Meeting 8 Oct 2015 Thank you for allowing me to present the Neighbourhood Planning Working Group’s (NPWG) analysis of the consultation of Read more…

Burton Village ‘Tidy Up’ Day

The Burton Community Association Committee are seeking residents of the village to join together and give the village a tidy up on Saturday 17th October 2015. If you are able to come then please meet at 10am at St Mary’s church Click here for more details  BURTON_VILLAGE_TIDY_UP_POSTER4 Thank you BCA Read more…