Free training
is available for Burton residents in essential life saving skills.
100 Club Lottery Draw
Dear Lottery Club Members, The one hundred and seventeenth draw of the 100 Club Lottery took place on the 21st Feb 2025. (Draw was done early this month, due to absence of lottery promoter) The Read more…
Chris Bennett · 01/26/2016 at 3:57 pm
Yes the training is free and supported by the British Heart Foundation.
The BCA has launched a series of training sessions in the technique of CPR & use of a Public Accessed Defibrillator (PAD), for the residents of Burton. To date we have 28 residents trained and seek to increase numbers on a voluntary basis.
The training sessions have brought together residents from across the village and general feedback has been very positive, together with an opportunity to meet new acquaintances. The sessions have been fun to participate in, although balanced to ensure the more serious message is communicated
Copies of the training material have been made available on the website
We hope to announce the placement of the defibrillator outside the Old House @ Home pub in the very near future.
For more information feel free to contact me on
Diane · 01/28/2016 at 10:47 am
Great training! Thank you to all of those who volunteered to teach us/refresh our skills in this important endeavour. A big thanks too for the OHH volunteering to maintain the defibrillator at the pub.