Resounding for a better Burton
Our roots began in March 2014 when volunteers from Burton, Wiltshire formed the Burton Community Association (BCA). A key objective of the organisation was to communicate its work and local news to residents. With this in mind, the group set up a monthly newsletter and website.
In the early days, the Bugle was a small booklet published on the website and hand-delivered to every home and business within the village. The current Bugle editorial team acknowledge the efforts of all who got this project off the ground for the benefit of the community.
In December 2020, the Bugle underwent a transformation. By the power of technology, we now circulate the newsletter in digital format by email, with links to further information. As at November 2021, readership exceeds 160 (electronic format), with an additional 9 copies distributed by hand.
The editorial team are grateful to those residents who provide material for publication, and in some cases actual compilation of the articles (some topics are listed below). Our wish is to have more contribution and variety from our readers, to further the interest of overall content.
Meet the Editorial Team

What’s inside
Regular articles include:
- Sue’s News – local news roundup
- Lottery Club Results
- BCA news and events
- Who’s Who in Burton (quarterly article) – a snap shot biography of a resident
- Caught in the Spotlight – a Burtonian gets a chance to share their loves and pet peeves
- Bookmark – book reviews
- Church Info
- Historic Burton – a focus on individual buildings/village scenes of interest from the past
- Gardener’s Corner
- Hobbies & Interests
- Job Listings
- Local Information
- And much, much more…
Don’t miss out
Subscribe to this website via the button in the sidebar or below and get all the news, views and reviews straight to your inbox.
If you have a news story, an interest you want to share, or would like to contribute to the newsletter in any way, we’d like to hear from you.
Deadline for copy: third Monday each month.
How are we doing?
Feedback is always welcome.
Contact The Bugle and one of the editorial team will be pleased to respond.