Registered Charity no. 1171730


The Burton Community Association (BCA) was formed by a group of village volunteers in 2014, later becoming a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in 2017. The BCA framework has three organisational objectives, currently governed by a Constitutional Document to meet the requirements of the Charity Commission. The elected trustees of the BCA are all members of the community and have a responsibility for the furtherance of those objectives along with its administration and financial accountability. The trustees have decided to devolve some of those tasks to individual groups to meet specific needs of the charity, details of those groups are shown below and may change from time to time.

The BCA Constitutional Document also includes details on the procedures for election of trustees and the process for rotation of its members.


The BCA seeks to promote facilities in the interest of health and social welfare for recreation and leisure time, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the community of the village of Burton. The BCA has raised funds and established a children’s play area, provided a public accessed defibrillator and work closely with local authorities and Police.

BCA Trustees 2024-25

BCA Trustees 2024-25
Name Role Date Elected/
Re-elected (R)
Contact Details
Christopher Bennett Secretary 09/07/2023 (R)
Paula Coyle Trustee 21/07/2024 (R)
Tristan Hitchens Trustee 21/07/2024 (R)
George Hockin Chair 13/10/2021
James Pearse Trustee 16/10/2022 (R)
Lydia Thornton Trustee 21/07/2024 (R)
Cynthia Walsh Treasurer 16/10/2022 (R)
Paul Hawkes Trustee 
BCA Trustees


BCA Committees and Groups

General Committee

Chris Bennett
Paula Coyle
Trystan Hitchens
George Hockin
James Pearse
Lydia Thornton
Cynthia Walsh
Paul Hawkes

Activities include work supporting the wellbeing of residents, establishing and maintaining a children’s play area, public access defibrillator and village website. 

Coordinating and organising a range of village social activities, which sometimes involves fund raising. To consider other issues which fall outside the remit of established groups.

Community Safety and Crime Prevention

Community Speed Watch

Chris Bennett
Alistair Caie
Marje Caie
Lesley Dawson
Magda Reglewska
Cynthia Walsh
Joyce Watson
Steve Matthews

Activities which promote the safety of our residents, and work alongside the Police/Authorities to help reduce harm through crime and road traffic issues.


Neighbourhood Watch

James Pearse


Village Appearance

Chris Bennett + other volunteers 

Activities include work to help enhance the visual appearance, tidiness and appeal of our village.

Minutes of Meetings

  • Minutes of BCA trustees meetings are available here.
  • Minutes of AGM are available here.

1 Comment

Burton & Nettleton Calendar 2023: the gift for all year round - Burton in Wiltshire · 11/27/2022 at 11:19 am

[…] least 60% of proceeds from sales of the calendar will support the Burton Community Association (registered charity no. 1171730) and St Mary the Virgin, Nettleton & […]

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